• creativity

    Creative is other ways

    Margriet and I haven’t been making much music together lately. Instead we’ve been creative in other ways.

    From Irene’s pocket collage ‘sketchbook’


    Deck of Cards

    Margriet’s Queen of Hearts

    Margriet’s Queen of hearts collage is part of a year-long collage project on Instagram: #deckofcardscollagechallenge2022. Each week a different card gets drawn and everyone uploads their design. The variety of styles is amazing.

    Collage Workshops

    I was hoping to organize a collage workshop at my church on World Collage Day (14 May 2022), but our church hall was booked, so I held the event on 7 May instead. Then the Ukraine House in Rotterdam came on my radar and a week later – on World Collage Day – I led a collage workshop on their premises, with a group of Ukrainian women and children. More sessions at the Ukraine House are planned for the weeks to come.


    Irene’s Instagram account: @irene.bom
    Margriet’s Instagram account: @margriet.van.overbeeke